Release Notes
Functionize Release Notes
What's New in Version 5.1.8
- Improved error handling when deleting pageinit Actions.
- Improved Quick Select capabilities when smart screenshot is zoomed in.
- Resolved multiple design issues in various screens and dialogs throughout the app.
- Resolved an issue with Page Objects incorporating Actions not intended to be in the Page Object.
- Resolved a situation in which test runs were not stopping as instructed.
- Resolved an issue with Orchestration result emails not including all details for certain test runs.
- Resolved a scenario with special characters not displaying for certain Local Edit changes.
- Resolved an issue with TDM data source file names.
- Resolved an issue with setting test site URLs in different testing environments.
- Resolved an issue in which action execution warnings were not displaying in Test Detail page.
- Resolved a situation with misdirected links for tests connected to TestRail.
- Resolved an issue with copying certain test cases.
- Resolved an issue with Quick Add Actions temporarily displaying in the wrong location.
- Resolved a scenario where the test list would not update when switching between certain projects.