Input Action Encryption

Input Action Encryption Overview

Functionize offers the option to encrypt specified Input Action text values and decrypt the values as needed during test executions. This information will be encrypted and hidden in your test's execution screenshots and the data will not be saved as plain text in execution logs.

Note: Encrypting a value in an existing test will not reflect on any previous executions of the test. 

The Input Action can be encrypted using two different ways:

  1. From the Architect
  2. From the Test Details Page

 Input Encryption in Architect

  1. Launch Architect and begin recording a new test
  2. Enter text into an input field on the website

  3. Click the white circle to open the Architect Action Detail sidebar panel

  4. Select the Encrypt checkbox and click SaveKeyStore3.png

  5. The input text will not be masked while you record the test or in the Architect screenshots, the encryption will take effect when the test is executed

  6. The Input Action's element details include a 'true' value for the Encrypt attribute

 Input Encryption in Test Detail Page

  1. Open the Test Detail page for a test case
  2. View the encrypted Input Action with the masked value

  3. Open the Action Settings and note that in the Settings tab, the Input value is masked

  4. Open the Advanced tab to see the option to uncheck Encrypt for that action
    Note: Changes made to the Encrypt status of an Input Action will not be reflected in screenshots until the test has been executed again.

 Input Encryption in Slider View

  1. Open the Slider View for your test via the View Results button at the top of the Test Details page or any View button to the right of any action
  2. In the side panel of actions on the left, the input value is masked, in the footer, the Attribute's value is masked in each state and in the main view, the input field is obscured for the Current screenshot

  3. While the value is masked in the action, footer and current screenshot - the Architect recording screenshot will display the text unaltered

  4. As on the Test Detail page, the Action Settings displays the masked Input value and the Advanced tab has the option to select or deselect the Encrypt checkbox
    Note: Changes made to the Encrypt status of an Input Action will not be reflected in screenshots until the test has been executed again.

Executing Tests with Encrypted Values

During Live Execution or Live Debug runs, the value is masked in the sidebar panel of an action on the left and the input field is obscured when the value is entered.

Sharing Execution Results with Encrypted Values

  1. Click the Share button on the right to send a link to a read-only view of the last run test results

  2. Only the masked value can be seen in this version, the Action Settings can also be viewed, but not altered

  3. Click the View Results button at the top of the Test Details page or any View button to the right of any action to see the read-only results in Slider View, as with the Test Detail page, only the masked value is visible
    Note: In addition, the read-only view does not include the option to view screenshots from Architect or Previously Successful Runs.


 Items of Note

  1. If an encrypted value is used as Data via Previous Action, that value will NOT be encrypted automatically KeyStore21.png


  2. If the encryption status is changed in Test Detail page or Slider View, the test must be executed again to see the updated result - in the example below, the Encrypt was on during the execution and then turned off via Action Settings while viewing the results
    Note: that the sidebar panel of actions on the left and the footer include the plain text while the screenshot displays the obscured field.

  3. Functionize makes the Best Effort to obscure the input field based on the Encrypt action setting
    Note: This encryption cover on screenshots will not persist if your test navigates to another page and returns to the input field page on a later test action.
    Note: If you need the input field obscured during multiple sections of your test, you can add custom JavaScript to the affected actions to obscure the field. Please contact us if you need help in this area.