What's New in Version 4.0


  • A new ability to Fail a passing test at the action level if the test falsely passes.
  • A new SmartFix feature has been implemented to offer one-click suggestions for failing test cases.
  • Reusable custom code, known as Extensions, are now available where users can write their own code snippets and utilize their own API's. 
  • All new interactive Swagger API documentation has been added to the product along with an updated API Keys page, all available from the user profile dropdown menu. 
  • Native Javascript and Selenium by Coordinate executor types are now available for Page Objects.
  • The ability to change the url of a Page Object is now available under Page Objects tab >> Bulk Actions dropdown.
  • New action verification messages have been added to the slider view comparison for Computer Vision validation that include a match percentage information.
  • The ability to include Optional Action and Suppress Action in the Action Log for Page Objects has been added. 
  • Updates were made to the list of available Bulk Action options.  See Performing Bulk Actions.
  • An update to add new actions now includes a "#" at the beginning of the Step Number to make dropdown selection easier for the user.
  • New flags have been added to the slider settings for appropriate action types >> Don't Lose Focus, Skip Scroll & Skip Screenshot.
  • The ability to upload and download both .csv and .xls formats has been added to the spreadsheet tool. 
  • A new design has been implemented for both Architect and NLP Test Case Creation popups. 


  • Fixed an issue with copy project functionality.
  • Resolved an issue with with test case mapping in orchestration results.
  • Previous Successful Run Screenshot, Current Run Screenshot and Architect Screenshot comparisons are now displaying correct screenshots in all cases.
  • Corrected a review/approval process issue with NLP created test case where the review process is now completed as expected once all steps are approved.
  • A File Viewer issue has been resolved and now displays the uploaded file in the expected format.
  • Resolved an issue with Export Test Case where the downloaded test case was not generating correctly.
  • Corrected an issue in orchestrations where Delete Data Source Row was not deleting the data source from the test case.
  • Incorrect data within alert emails for orchestration test failures has been resolved.
  • Browser Reports are now displaying correct number of failed executions for all projects.



  • Page Objects can now be replaced or inserted during Architect test case creation as expected without error.
  • Newly updated 1.4.05 Architect has been released in conjunction with 4.0 to support mapping Extensions directly from Architect when creating the test.