Escalating Support Tickets
Functionize Support strives to resolve all support-related inquiries as quickly as possible. In some cases, one ticket may be more critical than another. When submitting a ticket, please provide information that will help Functionize Support categorize it correctly, such as the number of test cases impacted by a technical issue or if the Functionize app is inaccessible to your team, halting all work. The details provided in the initial ticket will assist Functionize Support in escalating the ticket appropriately.
In addition to this, users, team leads, and project leads also have the authority to escalate tickets. If a ticket requires critical priority, kindly specify this either in the initial ticket or in a subsequent response. If possible, include any relevant context. Moreover, project or team leads have the option to directly engage the account representative, who serves as their primary point of contact. Sharing the ticket number with them facilitates collaborative efforts with the support team, ensuring the proper and timely assignment of priority.
At Functionize, we are dedicated to streamlining the support process and ensuring that every ticket receives the attention it deserves. Your collaboration and proactive communication greatly contribute to expediting solutions.