Architect Version 1.2.1


  • Page Objects are now enabled in Architect! Page Objects can be imported from the project and also saved in an Architect created test case. Of note: 
    • The Page Object cannot be modified within a new Test Case.
  • Added the keypress Escape action for closing native browser windows, such as a Print Popup window, or a native window alert.
  • Added the ability to more consistently confirm CSS validations, even when the HTML isn't 100% valid.
  • The Architect version number has been added to Architect UI on bottom right of tool. 
  • Added the ability to save multiple validations on a single verify step with the "multiple" option using "OR" and "AND". See Verifications & Element Tab


  • Hover action is now displaying on the action log for Architect created cases.
  • Resolved several issues when saving test or project variables.
  • Resolved two issues related to the Cancel Test feature of Architect.
  • Fixed an issue where CSS advanced elements were sometimes not saving as expected.
  • An issue with the sequence of test actions being out of sequence after saving test actions in Live Edit has been resolved.
  • The issue with ‘Contains’ step value and ‘Equals’ step value attributes not saving has been resolved.
  • An issue with ADV Selector = Custom JS not saving the code after it has been validated has been corrected.
  • ADV Selector = Custom JS is no longer adding an extra click action upon save.
  • Corrected the display of the step drop down menu in DOM Validation to show step number for operators ‘equals/not equals step value’ and ‘contains step value’.
  • An issue with DOM element selection has been resolved and is now saving the action in the test case and is being reported in the action log.
  • Corrected an issue with click Browser Back/Forward buttons where Architect was adding the incorrect action associated with Back/Forward in certain scenarios. 
  • Page Title in DOM Validation is now validating as expected in a new tab.
  • An issue with dragging actions into new positions (up/down) in Architect action window has been resolved.
  • The Download action, when included in Architect test creation, is downloading the file (as expected) AND the issue where that download action was not available in the test case and test case details has been resolved.
  • When performing ‘text selection’ action while building a test case, Architect is now saving that action as “text selection' as opposed to an incorrect ‘click’ action.
  • Resolved an issue with Live Edit when using multiple tabs during the test.