Edit Project

Edit Project Overview

Once a project is created in Functionize, users can edit the project settings to customize and manage various aspects of the project. These settings include:

  • General information about the project
  • Project site environment(s)
  • Settings related to performance alerting for a particular environment within a project
  • Browsers available for execution
  • Alerts

How to Access Project Settings

There are two ways to edit an existing project:

Method 1: From the Projects Page

  1. Navigate to the Projects Page:

    • Go to the Projects page within Functionize.
  2. Edit Project:

    • Hover over the project you want to edit.
    • Click on the Edit icon button.

Method 2: From the Test Case Listing Page

  1. Navigate to the Projects Page:

    • Go to the Projects page within Functionize.
  2. View Project:

    • Hover over the project you want to edit.
    • Click on the View Project button.
  3. Edit Project:

    • On the Test Case Listing page, click on the Project Actions hamburger menu (three lines) >> Edit Project.
  4. Edit Project Window:

    • The Edit Project window will pop up, including the tabs: General, Project Environments, Browsers, Alerts, and Upload Screenshot.

Editing Project Settings

General Tab

The General tab allows you to update basic project details:

  • Title of the Project:

    • Update the project title as needed.
  • Authentication Details for the Environment:

    • Enter or update authentication details for the project environment.
  • Save Updates:

    • Click Confirm to save the updates.

Project Environments Tab

Project Environments in Functionize allow users to set up different environments (e.g., Dev, Staging, Live) to execute tests by recording a test once and then creating separate versions for different environments.

  • Activate Environments:

    • Activate the Live, Staging, and/or Development environments by adding the corresponding URL for each environment.
  • Add a New Environment:

    • Click on the Add New Environment button to create additional environments.
    • Click the provided link here to learn more about Project Environments.
  • Save Updates:

    • Click Confirm to save the updates.

Browsers Tab

The Functionize platform supports cross-browser test execution. Initially, tests are recorded on the Chrome browser using the Functionize Architect (Chrome Extension). Once a test is complete and successfully executed on Chrome, it can be enabled to execute on other browsers.

  • Select Browsers:

    • Select which browser(s) to include for test case execution within the current project:

      • Edge
      • Firefox
      • Chrome
      • Safari
      • Chrome Simulated devices (iOS and Android)
    • Note: If more browsers are required than what is currently displayed in this tab, please reach out to our Sales team to discuss.

  • Save Updates:

    • Click Confirm to save the updates.

Alerts Tab

Identify who in your organization will receive alert notifications for all tests stored in this project.

  • Enter Email Addresses:

    • Enter email addresses to receive alerts. If entering multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma (,).
  • Alert Notifications:

    • The Alert tab allows users to send email notifications about test case results to specific recipients, improving communication and collaboration among team members.
  • Save Updates:

    • Click Confirm to save the updates.

Upload Screenshot Tab

Upload a banner image for the Project card.

  • Upload Image:

    • Click Choose File to open File Explorer.
    • Select the file and click Open to attach the file.
  • Save Updates:

    • Click Confirm to save the updates.

By following these steps, users can efficiently manage and customize their project settings in Functionize, ensuring that their testing environment is tailored to their specific needs and requirements.