TDM Orchestrations Overview
Creating Orchestrations with Datasets is essential for performing data-driven testing within the Functionize platform. This guide outlines how to create and manage TDM (Test Data Management) orchestrations, ensuring efficient execution of tests using multiple datasets.
Creating an Orchestration with Test Data
Steps to Create an Orchestration
Navigate to Orchestrations Tab:
- Go to the Orchestrations tab.
- Select the create an orchestration button.
Fill in Required Fields:
- Complete the required fields to create an orchestration.
- Complete the required fields to create an orchestration.
Set Schedule:
- If Schedules is set to On Demand, there is no need to select a Default Dataset.
- If Schedules is set to Hourly, Every 4 hours, Every 12 hours, or Daily, select a Default Dataset on which the scheduled orchestration will be executed.
- If Schedules is set to On Demand, there is no need to select a Default Dataset.
Select TDM Run Type:
- Select TDM Run for the Orchestration Run Type.
- Select TDM Run for the Orchestration Run Type.
Advanced Settings:
- In the Create New Orchestration pop-up window, under the Advanced tab, the Dataset can be executed in Parallel (default/ideal) or Sequential based on the TDM Run Order setting.
- In the Create New Orchestration pop-up window, under the Advanced tab, the Dataset can be executed in Parallel (default/ideal) or Sequential based on the TDM Run Order setting.
Confirm Creation:
- Click the Confirm button to create the TDM orchestration.
- You will be sent to the Confirm Test Cases modal, then click the Submit button.
Create Data Sets:
- You should be directed to create Data Sets to execute with this newly created TDM Orchestration.
- If the Create Data Sets pop-up does not appear, click the TDM button under the Actions column next to the TDM orchestration.
- You should be directed to create Data Sets to execute with this newly created TDM Orchestration.
Creating Data Sets
Create Data Sets Pop-up:
- Choose to create Data Sets either Manual or Automatic.
- Click the + Add Dataset button.
Automatic Data Set Creation:
- Selecting this option will result in the automatic refresh and creation of execution datasets from the attached data source.
Note: This functionality is only available for orchestrations that have a single data source attached. TDM scheduling through the default dataset is impossible to get executed.
- Selecting this option will result in the automatic refresh and creation of execution datasets from the attached data source.
Manual Data Set Creation:
- Select the checkboxes of the rows of data that need to be used to create a dataset and click the Submit button.
- To change the name of a dataset, update the dataset name via the input field of that row under the Dataset column.
Edit Default Data Sets:
- From this screen, you can edit the Default Data Sets denoted with the
if a Dataset is set as a Default
, when the orchestration is run on a schedule, these datasets will always be executed - multiple datasets can be set as the Default set as well
- Click the Submit button to confirm.
- From this screen, you can edit the Default Data Sets denoted with the
View Data Sets:
- Clicking the chevron
icon will expand the dataset and show the data from the Data Source in this dataset.
- From this screen, you can delete any old or no longer relevant datasets if necessary by selecting the dataset(s) and clicking the Delete Datasets button.
- Clicking the chevron
Add New Dataset:
- Click the + Add Dataset button and enter the Dataset Name for the new dataset.
Note: there are multiple Data Sources within the Orchestration, the row for each Data Source record must be selected.
- Click the + Add Dataset button and enter the Dataset Name for the new dataset.
Select All Option:
- Use the Select All
option in the upper left-hand corner of the modal window to select/unselect all rows to turn into a dataset.
- Use the Select All
Submit Dataset:
- Once all rows are selected for all Data Sources, click Submit to save the new Dataset.
Running the Orchestration
Executing a TDM Orchestration
On Schedule Execution:
- If the orchestration is executed on a schedule, only the default dataset(s) will be highlighted and executed.
- If the orchestration is executed on a schedule, only the default dataset(s) will be highlighted and executed.
On Demand Execution:
- Manually select which dataset the TDM orchestration will execute and click Submit.
- Manually select which dataset the TDM orchestration will execute and click Submit.
Viewing Results
View Results:
- After the orchestration has finished executing, view results by clicking the Results button under the Actions column for the TDM orchestration.
- After the orchestration has finished executing, view results by clicking the Results button under the Actions column for the TDM orchestration.
Orchestration Results:
The Orchestration Results will display each executed test along with the corresponding Dataset used during the Orchestration.
Results will appear in the History Run drop-down menu.
On Demand Execution:
- TDM orchestration executed by the user on demand.
- TDM orchestration executed by the user on demand.
Scheduled Execution:
- TDM orchestration executed by schedule using the default datasets.
- TDM orchestration executed by schedule using the default datasets.
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and utilize TDM orchestrations in Functionize, ensuring your tests are executed with the appropriate datasets for accurate and reliable results.