File Viewer Tool

File Viewer Tool Overview

Architect allows the user to upload and view files as a web page using the Functionize File Viewer tool.


To Access File Viewer

  1. Click the plus icon Plus.pngfrom the main screen of the Architect, then select File Viewer under the Tools section in the Architect Advanced Actions sidebar panel
  2. A File Viewer details sidebar panel will be displayed, checking the Open in a new tab checkbox allows the user to open the Functionize File Viewer tool in a new browser tab

  3. Click Continue in the File Viewer details sidebar panel to open the File Viewer tool

  4. Select the document to upload or input a raw document (encrypted documents are allowed)
    Note: Supported file types include:-  .LOG, .RFT, .TXT, .DOCX, .JSON, .XLSX, .PPTX, .PDF, .CSV, .XLSM, .XLS, .ZIP, .XML, .EMN, .DXF, .TIF, .DTL, .MAP, .MTL, .SYM, .TBL, .EMP, .HL7 and .HTML.
    Note: File Viewer supports up to a 40MB


Architect will track actions, just like any other web page, and display the uploaded documents as HTML within the browser. After completing the recording and saving of the test case, the user must attach the corresponding file, the same file that was uploaded during the recording, to the appropriate Upload Action before running/executing the test case to ensure the proper functionality of the Upload Action during runtime.