Test Details Page

Test Details Page Overview

The Test Details page is your base of operations once your test has been created. View results, trigger executions, review the test's execution history, and make adjustments to your test—all from one place!

Tour of the Test Details Page

  1. Test Breadcrumbs - Environment | Project Name | Test Name:
    • Switch to a different testing environment.
    • Return to the Test Listing page in your project by clicking on the project name in the breadcrumb.
    • Hover, then click the pencil icon   for inline editing of the test name.
  2. New Test button:
    • Create a new test.
  3. Project Actions menu:
    • Access project settings and other project options.
  4. Tabs: Actions | Browser Results | History
    • Actions tab: A stateless view of your test where actions can be edited and/or added.
    • Browser Results tab: Displays the test actions, including the pass or fail state of every action from the last run, with a separate tab for each enabled browser for the test.
    • History tab: Displays the execution history of the test with options to download the report as a CSV file or view the history in a graph.
  5. Execution | Watch Test Video | Information | TDM Template Download | TDM Mapping | Settings | Import | Down arrow:
    • Execution: Select the type of execution (Live Execution | Live Debug | Run with Variables | Headless Run).
    • Watch Test Video: If the Enable Video (on-demand runs) test setting, under the Advanced tab is turned ON, this button will appear to watch a video recording of the last test execution.
    • Information: View vital statistics about your test.
    • TDM Template Download: Download template data source file for all actions or download selected templated data source file for selected actions.
    • TDM Mapping: Map a data source to the test.
    • Settings: Access test-specific settings, bulk actions, reports, and more.
    • Import: Import actions from a Test Case or Page Object present within the project.
    • Down arrow: Specific button to go at the bottom of the test case.
  6. View Results button | Share button:
    • View Results: See the Slider View details of the last run on the selected browser.
    • Share: Email or copy a link to a read-only version of the most recent results of the test.
  7. Test Plan Generator button:
    • Generates test overview by adding test plan features and user interactions such as generating test plans, collapsing/expanding the test plan, regenerating test steps, downloading CSV, and linking to external test case management tools.
  8. Test Summary:
    • Total number of actions, who created the test.
  9. Last Run details:
    • Date and time of the most recent execution on the selected browser, including the user who executed the test.
    • Load All Actions: When you want to scroll in large tests and see where you are, preventing lazy load, increasing the ability to get to specific steps.
  10. Test Instructions:
    • Group actions according to the sequence performed in your test for documentation and review of test coverage.
  11. Test Action:
    • Expand any action to see Action Settings with options for editing, deleting, and more.
    • Actions tab: Shows a stateless version for each action with general and advanced settings specific to each action type, as well as options to delete, local edit, and clone.
    • Browser Results tab: Shows the pass/fail state for each action with settings and advanced settings specific to each action type, as well as options to force fail, delete, local edit, clone, and create defects.

      Note: Create Defect is only available if you have enabled the Jira Defect Integration for your project.

  12. Insert an Action:
    •  Appears when you hover between any two actions. An icon will appear where the user hovers, giving the user the option to insert a new action at the selected location.
  13. Edit Instruction | Delete Instruction | Clone Instruction:
    • Edit: Edit the name of the instruction.
    • Delete: Delete the instruction and merge test actions into the instruction above. Option to remove actions under the instruction as well.
      • Note: The first instruction of the test cannot be deleted.
    • Clone: Add a duplicate instruction to the test.
  14. View: Click the View button from the right side of any action on the Browser Results tab to open Slider View for the most recent screenshots and results of each action.

Edit a Test Case

There are many items in each test you can edit directly from the Test Details page. Create a reusable Page Object in existing test cases. Import actions from a Page Object or another Test Case into existing test cases. Generate and map a TDM data source to data-drive a test case. Delete or update multiple actions inside a test case at once. Re-arrange test actions into a different test flow order.

History Tab

  1. Click on the History tab and the History page will open.

    • On this page, you can download the report as CSV, check the run history chart, and select the browsers, status, and date filter to view the run history.
  2. Click the Delete button under Action to open the Delete Test Result popup to select the desired action.

    Only Project Admin, Team Admin, and Site Admin can interact with the Delete button.

  3. Click the View button under Action to open the history result.

Create a Page Object

See User Guide: Create a Page Object Within an Existing Test Case

See also: Editing Page Objects

See also: Architect Page Object Creation

See also: Page Object Parameterization


Bulk Update / Delete Actions

See User Guide: Bulk Actions in Test Cases


Re-arrange test Actions

See User Guide: Rearranging Actions in a Test


Action Settings

Each Action Type has certain settings, flags, and information associated with it.

See User Guide: Action Settings

See also: Action Types  

See also: Optional and Skipped Actions