Delete an Action

Delete an Action Overview

Functionize allows users to delete actions from a test case using the Test Detail page or Slider View. Additionally, the Test Detail page provides the Bulk Delete Actions feature to delete multiple actions at once.

Delete a Single Action via Test Detail Page


  1. Open the Test Detail Page:

    • Navigate to the Test Detail page of a test.
  2. Expand the Action:

    • Expand the action that you want to delete.
  3. Click the Delete Button:

    • Click on the Delete button.

  4. Confirm the Deletion:

    • Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Delete Multiple Actions or Instructions

Please see detailed User Guide: Bulk Actions in Test Cases

Delete a Single Action via Slider View


  1. Open a Test:

    • Open the test you want to modify.
  2. Open Slider View:

    • Access Slider View via the View Results button or the View button next to any action.
  3. Select an Action:

    • Select the action you want to delete.
  4. Open the Actions Menu:

    • Click the icon to open the action’s Menu on an action in the left side panel or Click the gear icon to open the action’s Settings
  5. Click the Delete Button:

    • Click on the Delete button.



  6. Confirm the Deletion:

    • Confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Deleting a Pageinit Action

If a Pageinit Action is being deleted, all associated actions under that Pageinit Action will also be deleted.

By following these steps, you can efficiently delete single or multiple actions from your test cases, ensuring your tests remain accurate and up-to-date.