Azure DevOps Integration Overview
Azure DevOps Integration within Functionize for test case management allows seamless interaction between Functionize and Azure DevOps services. This integration facilitates enhanced collaboration, continuous integration, and streamlined workflows between testing and development teams.
Initial Setup
Open the Team Page
- Navigate to the Team page.
- Go to the Integrations tab.
Select Azure DevOps
- On the left, select Azure DevOps from the Test Case Management section.
Provide Connection Details
- Fill in the required details such as URL, Organization, Access Token, and Timeout (secs).
- URL: Your URL
- Organization: Your organization name
- Access Token: Your access token
- Timeout (secs): Recommended value is 5
Test Sign In
- Click the Test Sign In button to verify the connection.
Map Projects and Statuses
- Scroll down to the Project Mappings section.
- Click on Add Project.
- Select the Functionize and Azure DevOps Projects to link together.
- Select the appropriate Functionize Project Environment.
- Map the Functionize Test Statuses to the Azure DevOps Test Statuses.
- Click Save Mapping to save your connection details.
Linking Test Cases via Project Page
Open Functionize Project
- Open the Functionize Project you have linked with Azure DevOps.
- On the left panel, confirm you have selected the Project Environment previously mapped with your Azure DevOps Project.
Link Test
- The list of tests in the main panel will display the Azure DevOps logo + Link Test, click + Link Test.
- Select the corresponding Integration Plan from the drop down.
- Select the corresponding Integration Suit from the drop down.
- Select the corresponding ADO test case to link your test and then click Link Test.
- Once a test is mapped, the Azure DevOps test name will be listed in the place of Link Test along with a pencil icon to edit the connection at any time.
Multiple ADO Test Linking
- Now Multiple ADO tests can be linked to a single Functionize test, click + Link Test.
- Select the corresponding Integration Plan from the drop down.
- Select the corresponding Integration Suit from the drop down.
- Select the corresponding ADO test case to link your test and then click Link Test.
- Once a test is mapped, the Azure DevOps test name will be listed in the place of Link Test
Linking Test Cases via Test Detail Page
Open Test Detail Page
- Open the Test Detail page for a test.
- The Azure DevOps logo + Link Test will be displayed to the right above the test actions. Click + Link Test.
Link Test
- Select the corresponding Integration Plan from the drop down.
- Select the corresponding Integration Suit from the drop down.
- Select the corresponding ADO test case to link to and click Link Test.
- Once a test is mapped, the Azure DevOps test name will be listed in the place of Link Test along with a pencil icon to edit the connection at any time.
Note: If you select an Azure DevOps test case which has already been linked to a Functionize test, you will receive a warning that this will remove the old linkage.
- Now Multiple ADO tests can be linked to a single Functionize test, click + Link Test.
Sending Results to Azure DevOps
Create Orchestration
- Open the Orchestrations tab, then click + Create New Orchestration.
- Enter the relevant information on the Details tab.
- On the Advanced tab, select Submit Linked Test to TCM for how you would like the results of each Orchestration run sent to Azure DevOps.
- select the required option
- To Automatically submit results you need to set up the test plan and test suite details on the Integrations tab
- On the Integrations tab, select Test Plan and Test Suite in which results of Orchestration run sent to Azure DevOps.
- Click Confirm to submit the orchestration.
Execute Orchestration
- Execute the Orchestration either On Demand, on a Schedule or via CI/CD Pipeline.
- Open the Orchestration Results. Under the Actions column, click the Results button.
Submit to Azure
- If you selected 'Automatically after any orchestration result' for Submit Linked Test to TCM during Orchestration creation, then on the Orchestration Results page, the Azure icon is displayed. Clicking on it will redirect you to the Azure Login page.
- If you selected 'On Demand' for Submit Linked Test to TCM during Orchestration creation, then on the Orchestration Results page, click the Submit to Azure button.
- A popup will appear for selecting the Test Plan and Test Suit for Azure Mapping and click on Submit.
- A toast message will appear to confirm the results have been sent to Azure.
By following these steps, you can integrate Functionize with Azure DevOps, enabling efficient test case management and streamlined workflows between your development and testing teams. This integration ensures enhanced collaboration and continuous delivery of high-quality software.