Environment Configuration

Environment Configuration Overview

Environment Configuration in Functionize allows users to define and manage the environments in which their tests will be executed. These environments can represent different stages of the development lifecycle, such as development, staging, production, or custom setups. Proper configuration ensures that tests run in the correct context, providing accurate and meaningful results.


Configuring Environments in Functionize

Accessing Environment Configuration

To access and manage environment configurations, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Project:
    • Navigate to the desired project within Functionize.
    • Click on the ellipsis (three dots) button next to the "New Architect Test" button to open the dropdown menu.
    • Select Environment Configuration from the menu.

Environment Configuration Interface

The Environment Configuration interface presents a list of existing environment configurations with options to edit, delete, and default environments and for creating and new Environment Configuration we have  

Adding a New Environment Configuration

  1. Open Environment Configuration:

    • Navigate to your project and click on the ellipsis button next to "New Architect Test".
    • Select Environment Configuration from the dropdown menu.
  2. Manage Configuration:

    • Click on the Manage Configuration button.
  3. Add Configuration:

    • Click on the Add button.
  4. Add Configuration Details:

    • In the "Add Configuration" dialog, enter the Name of Environment, Variable Name, and Value.

      • Name of Environment: Enter a name for your Environment (e.g., "username").
      • Variable Name: Enter a name for your configuration parameter 
      • Value: Enter the corresponding value for this parameter.
    • Mask Value (Optional):
      • If you want to mask the value (hide it for security reasons), check the Mask checkbox
  5. Confirm Environment Configuration:

    • Once all parameters are added, click Confirm to save the new configuration.
    • The new Environment configuration will now appear in the list of Environment configurations.

Multiple Environment Configurations

You can add multiple Environment configurations within the same project.

Editing an Existing Environment Configuration

  1. Locate the Environment configuration you wish to edit in the list.
  2. Click on the Edit button next to the configuration.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the configuration parameters.
  4. You can add multiple configurations by clicking on Add.
  5. Add the Parameter value.
  6. Click Confirm to apply the changes.

Setting a Default Environment Configuration

  1. Locate the environment configuration in the list.
  2. Click on the Mark it Default button.
  3. The selected configuration will now be marked as the default environment.

Copying an Environment Configuration

  1. Locate the environment configuration you wish to Copy From the list.
  2. Click on the Copy button.
  3. Enter the new name of the Environment on the Copy Configuration Window.
  4. Click on the Copy Button.
  5. New environment has been created with the same configuration.


Deleting an Environment Configuration

  1. Locate the environment configuration you wish to delete in the list.
  2. Click on the Delete button.

How to Use Environment Configuration in a Test Case

  1. Open a Test Case:
    • Open the test case where you need to use the configuration value.
  2. Go to the Step:
    • Go to the step on which you need to use the configuration value.
  3. Settings:
    • Go to Settings and input {{fze.env.name}}.


Assume you have a project where an environment is created with different values. When you execute the test case that uses the value of this configuration, it will use the value set at the time of configuration. You can use multiple values of a configuration in the same test case at different steps.

Example for multiple values of a configuration

Execution of a Test Case with Configuration

  1. Open the test case.
  2. Click on the Play button.
  3. Select Custom Execution.
  4. Select the type of execution.
  5. Select Environment Configuration from the dropdown.
  6. Click on Run.

Creating an Orchestration and Executing it with Environment Configuration

  1. Create an Orchestration:

    • Go to the Orchestrations tab.
    • Select the Create New Orchestration button.
    • Fill in the required fields to create an orchestration.
  2. Configure Environment:

    • Click on Environment Configuration.
    • Select the Environment Configurations from the dropdown.
    • Click the Confirm button to create the orchestration.
  3. Execute Orchestration:

    • After executing the orchestration, it will run with the configurations provided in the environment variable.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and utilize environment configurations in Functionize, ensuring your tests run in the appropriate context, and providing reliable and accurate results.