What's New in Version 5.3.13


  • Functionality has been added that allows for keypress on click actions
    • To use this in a test, create a Click Action either through Architect or your Test Case, navigate to the advanced tab and select "Add Keypress" and select the key you'd like to associate with the keypress


  •  Modified copy function for Orchestrations so that an Orchestration's schedule is no longer duplicated when using copy function
  • Added Notes button to Page Objects to view, add, or edit any notes created for a Page Object

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that caused "run by" in Orchestration history to display incorrectly when an Orchestration was executed by Functionize team
  • Resolved an issue that caused Get Orchestration Run Status to return an error when using Functionize API
  • Resolved an issue that caused "attr" to prepend to "href" in TDM data files when auto-mapped
  • Resolved an issue that caused proxy information added at the project level to apply to newly created tests
  • Resolved an issue that caused tests included in an orchestration to display with no name or details under certain conditions