Quick Select

What is Quick Select?

Quick Select is a feature of Functionize's Smart Screenshot that allows you to update the element selected for a particular action. If the wrong element is selected for any reason, as long as that element appears in the screenshot for the action, and we have the corresponding ML data for that action, you will see a Quick Select option to enable you to quickly and easily update the selected element.



Since Quick Select is making use of the data our Machine Learning (ML) Engine collects, it does have some limitations:

  • If ML data has not been collected for the particular action or test, Quick Select will not be available, this applies to tests which are not Approved for Learning
  • If ML data was not collected for an action or test, which can happen for a variety of reasons, just try executing the test again if Smart Screenshots are not working as expected

Using Quick Select to Edit a Test

  1. Click View Results  or click on  View button on the right of any action to open the Slider View

  2. Select the action to be updated

  3. Click the Quick Select button.

  4. Highlight the new element in the screenshot, the existing selection will be highlighted in green available elements will be highlighted in blue as you hover and some element information will display to help ensure you select the right item

  5. Click the element, verify the selection is correct, and click Save to continue reviewing, or Save & Run which will proceed to execute the test with the updated action

  6. Once your test has been executed, the footer will display the update between the original Modeled element, the Previous Successful Run (if applicable), and the selection in the Current execution.