Release Notes
Functionize Release Notes
What's New in Version 5.3.11
New Features
- MongoDB support has been added to API Explorer
- Created By column has been added to the Orchestration report
- Removed top level domain requirement from Project Environments to accommodate non-standard URLs
- Ignore Element functionality has been enhanced to use baseline image for element identification instead of current screenshot
- Added visual clarification to operators for parameterization
- Added Number of Actions Quota to Team Settings. This setting allows Admins to increase the quota for all users and prevents RBAC users on multiple Teams from exceeding their quota limit
- Data from a TDM data sheet used in a Test included in an Orchestration now displays in CSV export
- Timing slider now starts at 0 for the slowest potential timing
- Subfolders are now available in Orchestrations view
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that caused screenshots to not display on test runs under certain conditions
- Resolved an issue that prevented Functionize app from accessing application under test when re-authentication is required mid test
- Resolved an issue that caused modeling errors when a test is modified after being included in an orchestration
- Resolved an issue that caused HTML to not parse correctly in Functionize Email Viewer under certain conditions
- Resolved an issue that caused incorrect URLs to display in emailed orchestration result report under certain conditions
- Resolved an issue that caused Page Objects to not display in run history under certain conditions
- Resolved an issue that caused Loops to not display in Test Details view after Loop is collapsed
- Resolved an issue that caused Project Variables to not display in Architect Recorder
- Resolved an issue that caused an error to display when using File Explorer
- Resolved an issue that caused the "found" and "expected" values to displayed reversed when viewed in SmartFix
- Resolved an issue that prevented tests inside of an Orchestration from being re-ordered
- Resolved an issue that caused an incorrect image to display as baseline image on step comparison
- Resolved an issue that resulted in an error when attempting to create a Page Objects from an existing test
- Resolved an issue that prevented extra large tests from loading
- Resolved an issue that caused some Orchestrations to not complete
- Resolved an issue that caused some tests to be skipped in Orchestration test runs
- Resolved an issue that caused new Actions added to existing tests to save in the wrong location in the test
- Resolved an issue that caused new Environments added at the Project level to not display after saving
- Resolved an issue that resulted in extended provisioning time when executing an Orchestration